greetings from California VTX rider

Här är våra gäster välkomna att skicka en hälsning och/eller ställa frågor ang. VTX Riders Sweden.

Moderator: Gusten

Detta är en gästbok. Här kan du komma i kontakt med andra VTX-ägare, men gästboken är inte avsedd till att söka svar på eller besvara teknikfrågor, etc. Låt gästboken vara just en gästbok.

greetings from California VTX rider

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I am sorry my Swedish is not so good, in fact I am not sure if I posted in the correct forum, but I thought it would be fun to try. Adminstrator, please move this to the correct forum if I picked the wrong one.

I know many speak english in Sweden, but in the U.S.A., they do not teach us other languages unless we request.

Recently I sold some custom VTX products to someone in the netherlands. Today I was searching google and found your VTX Riders Sweden board.

Anyways.. hello from a California VTX rider.

here is my bike

02' 1800R



Hope some of you can translate for me :)

Användarens profilbild
Regionskontakt Örebro
Inlägg: 4400
Blev medlem: 28 aug 2005, 18:47
VTX-modell: VTX 1300, 2005
Ort: Örebro

Inlägg av Nesse »

Hi there Kenny. I don't think we need to translate your greetings ;-).
---::: safeguard the environment, GO GReeN :::---
VTX 1300 R, VTR 1000 F, CRF 1100 Africa Twin

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Nesse skrev:Hi there Kenny. I don't think we need to translate your greetings ;-).
Hi Nesse,

Where can I find pictures of the VTXs from Sweden?

Which model do you ride? Any pics of yours?

I clicked on your link but it didn't pull up anything but your name and blank blue page.

Today, it is about 68 degrees and beautiful riding weather. Going to ride tomorrow.. thats Southern California in the winter :D

Thanks for letting me know I don't need a translator.


Inlägg av Bikerboy »

Hello Kenny!

Check out "medlemsbilder" on the list on the leftside!

That will take u 2 the memersbike pics

/BikerBoy 8)

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Bikerboy skrev:Hello Kenny!

Check out "medlemsbilder" on the list on the leftside!

That will take u 2 the memersbike pics

/BikerBoy 8)
Can't seem to find that wording on the left. Is it it's own forum?

Could you go ther and copy the link for me and post it here until I get the hang of manuevering here?



Inlägg av Bikerboy »

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Bikerboy skrev:Try this one Kenny!

Thanks so much. I had a great time seeing all your bikes!!!!!!

I'm going to post your board on the CAVTX boards. feel free to stop by our boards as well.


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Wow, I just found a thread on The CAVTX board that BigLarry posted with Snake on it.

I missed that July thread. :roll:

Snake.. you have a proton 4!!! You are one lucky guy ;)

Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 773
Blev medlem: 28 aug 2005, 13:36
VTX-modell: VTX 1800, 2002
Ort: Stockholm, VTX 1800

Inlägg av snake »

Yes, I was lucky to get a Proton-4 from Pete. He claims I have the only P4 intake in Europe! Feels good. Won't sell it even for $1000.

Welcome to our board! Most swedes speak more or less fluent english. You should have no problems communicating!

Reading our swedish posts... thats another story.
Användarens profilbild
Guru prospect
Inlägg: 1145
Blev medlem: 08 maj 2006, 12:49
VTX-modell: Tidigare VTX 1800C, 2006
Ort: Älvsjö


Inlägg av XY »

€1000 ? :shock:

Inlägg av Bikerboy »

Tänkte jag skulle be lillgrabben göra en sån däringa pryl med 2 rör i slöjden! :roll:
verkar ju vara lagom komplicerat :!: :?: :lol:

Kalllas det för proton-4, sa du???

Nä, sköjja bara :oops: Faktiskt jävligt grymt & lite avis blir man allt! 8)

/BikerBoy 8)
Användarens profilbild
Inlägg: 156
Blev medlem: 11 sep 2012, 16:48
VTX-modell: VTX 1800, 2005
Ort: Umeå

Re: greetings from California VTX rider

Inlägg av Wheeler »

I'v been trying to get my hand on one as well (as I assume a lot of vtx owners have) but without success, they are discontinued as far as I understand, a guy in the states made them I think.
Snake you lucky basterd! :-)
Våga leva! Lev idag!
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